Commenting Policy

Please be aware that commenting on Tech-almagest is not a right but a privilege. If you abuse it, we reserve the right to delete inappropriate comments at our sole discretion. We will never censor someone for disagreeing with us, but we may remove comments that we feel do not promote a continued discussion, use language/terminology that we deem unacceptable, or any other form of spamming/trolling. Comments with images or links will need to be approved by a moderator before appearing on the post.

We have provided the Disqus commenting system because it will allow you to comment using a login that you already have instead of creating a new username for our site specifically. We ask that you pick a name to comment under for our site and try to stick with it, so that some of the anonymity of the internet can be alleviated. We ask this of you because it will attempt to bring a level of consistency to our commenting community, and so that you can be given credit for the constructive and worthwhile content that you bring to the site.